Well seem to be spending time awaiting a break in the weather conditions again. Sunday is looking most promising day in the long range forecast so we will see what happens then. Meanwhile despite the weather it does pay sometimes to get out and about, images are to be had; just under more difficult conditions and less opportunities as the wildlife in general is more sensible than me and takes shelter, lol. I still had distant sightings of stoat, bitterns, to far for decent pictures, a gull eating a starfish and on a different note some horse riders enjoying the beach.
Settings Change: I have changed the settings so
only followers of the blog can comment, this saves people having to complete those annoying numbers/word verifications. Comments will still need to be approved though . So if you wish to comment you will have to follow the blog. This si the only way I can think off to avoid all the spam postings. I will monitor the next few posts to see if the new settings are viable.
Ok those settings did not quite work, so now tweaked again thanks to Keith at
http://holdingmoments.blogspot.co.uk/ all should be working fine now comment wise. Check out his blog also it is quite good.
Anyhow here are some images from the last couple of days:
Gull with starfish |
for some reason the gull had to take the starfish back to the water and thrash it around a bit (possibly it was still alive ? I don't know) |
Moorhens engage in a stand off |
Riders on Marazion Beach |
Mute Swan arriving on the marsh |
Distant flight shot of a Bittern