Hi, much better light today resulted in a good test of the newly acquired back up camera, the Canon 40D . It didn't disappoint, focusing on Sand Martins was difficult, got one in the end though. Larger birds were not a problem. Ok it can't focus as quick as the 1d Mk111 but that is to be expected as it has less cross hair sensors. As it is to be used as a back up a thorough test isn't required, pleased with what I have seen and don't have the insructions, which I wouldn't of read anyway. That said once I get the instruction booklet if I feel I need to explore the camera's specification and performance in more detail I shall. I expect some people would like to see custom settings for Bird Photography wiith this camera. Todays trip took me to Stithians resevoir, Hayle and St Gothian Sands and included pictures of Cormorant, Jackdaw, Sand Martin, Buzzard, etc. Don't forget click on the image to see it unscaled.

I thought the Sand Martin image below was good but this one is better still.
Sand Martin Exif: Canon 1D MK111, 600mm f4 lens , Aperture Priority, F5, ISO 400, 1/1600 sec, + 1 Stop

Cormorant "Birdbath" Exif: Canon 1D MK111, 600mm f4 lens with 1.4x teleconverter (840mm focal length) , Aperture Priority, F5.6, ISO 400, 1/1250 sec, + 0.7 Stop
Jackdaw: Exif: Canon 1D MK111, 600mm f4 lens , Aperture Priority, F5, ISO 400, 1/800 sec, + 1.3 Stop
(In this image the wing tip is sharpest so either a larger depth of field is required, or more accurate focusing on the eye)
Redshank: Exif: Canon 40D, 600mm f4 lens with 1.4x teleconverter (840mm focal length), Aperture Priority, F5.6, ISO 200, 1/800 sec, + 0.7 Stop

Sand Martin; Exif: Canon 40D, 600mm f4 lens, Aperture Priority, F4, ISO 400, 1/3200 sec, + 1 Stop