Not a great deal around at present so back to pictures of the resident birds.
Magpie: Exif: Canon 1d mk111, 600mm lens with 1.4x teleconverter (840mm), Aperture Priority, F5.6, 1/125 sec, ISO 400, +1 Stop
This bird being black and white is an awkward one to expose even with raw. Very dull light on this day mean't I would have to over expose to get any detail in the shadow area, blowing the highlights. Which is exactly what happened. I will get it right one day just a question of good light and tweaking the exposure

Magpie Again. This is the same image but it has been through an imagenomic noise filter so you can see the subtle differences in the images. It is really useful for cleaning up background noise/digital artifacts.

Gull: Exif: Canon 1d mk111, 600mm lens with 1.4x teleconverter (840mm), Aperture Priority, F5.6, 1/1000 sec, ISO 400, -1/3 Stop

Heron: Exif: Canon 1d mk111, 600mm lens , Aperture Priority, F5, 1/640 sec, ISO 400, +/- 0 Stop

Blue Tit: Exif: Canon 1d mk111, 600mm lens, Aperture Priority, F5, 1/1600 sec, ISO 400, +1 Stop. This blue tit was back lit making things really awkward to get a good shot, just managed it I think! I added the high light in the eye in photoshop (cheating I know) without this the picture would look dead. Again below is the same picture but with a noise filter added.

Blue Tit; as above but passed through the imagenomic noise filter.
Amazing Photography Bob.
Love the Magpie Images.
Outstanding photography, you don't need rarities to make an impact with your photography.
Impressed with the filter Bob. I think the catch light in the eyes is very important.
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