Another visit to Marazion Marsh but nothing major to report. A couple of unusual things first one some blue sky!!!! Second a greater spotted woodpecker. Absolutely zero waders on the beach. The resident heron and little egret both enjoying there Sunday afternoon fishing. Buzzards were also patroling the area in the high winds. So with little to photograph I decided to return home and watch Chelsea v Man Utd, what a yawn that was, good result though. Two weeks off work now though so hopefully I will have the camera out most days. All the shots below were handheld in the windy conditions with the 300mm 2.8 and 1.4x teleconverter, I did not expect so many sharp images in these conditions, just shows how great this lens is. Shooting in Aperture Priority enables the camera to decide the shutter speed conditions on occasion must of been very light as 1/8000 sec was achieved in the woodpecker shot. So this tells me we do get really bright light sometimes and maybe I should step down my ISO from my usual choice of ISO 400.

Buzzard: Exif: Canon 1D MK111, 300mm f2,8 IS lens with 1.4x teleconverter (420mm), Aperture Priority, F4, ISO 400, 1/3200 sec, +1 stop

Greater Spotted Woodpecker: Exif: Canon 1D MK111, 300mm f2,8 IS lens with 1.4x teleconverter (420mm), Aperture Priority, F4, ISO 400, 1/8000 sec, +0.7 stop

Buzzard: Exif: Canon 1D MK111, 300mm f2,8 IS lens with 1.4x teleconverter (420mm), Aperture Priority, F4, ISO 400, 1/1250 sec, +1 stop

Buzzard/Crow: Exif: Canon 1D MK111, 300mm f2,8 IS lens with 1.4x teleconverter (420mm), Aperture Priority, F4, ISO 400, 1/4000 sec, +1 stop

Grey Heron: Exif: Canon 1D MK111, 300mm f2,8 IS lens with 1.4x teleconverter (420mm), Aperture Priority, F5, ISO 400, 1/3200 sec, +/-0 stop

Grey Heron: Exif: Canon 1D MK111, 300mm f2,8 IS lens with 1.4x teleconverter (420mm), Aperture Priority, F5, ISO 400, 1/3200 sec, +0.7 stop
i see the heron is hungry yet again!
great images with your new toy
outstanding Images Bob,agree with Rachel.
Top Shots once again,brilliant.
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