With a forecast of cloud and rain followed by sunshine (the latter never appeared, now there's a shock) I set off to Hayle RSPB hide for about one hour. I actually stayed for two due to the poor weather. Golden Plover, King Fisher, Teal, Lapwing, Egret, Heron, Sanderling, Redshank and Gulls were all viewed. However due to low light 90% of the time it was almost impossible to photo anything that moved. Results as usual are below.

Redshank: A few were feeding around the water's edge. This one came closest to the hide.

Gull with Crab: This Gull picked himself a crab a despite dropping it twice, the Gull made it to shore and gobbled it down in about one minute.

Gull without Crab: The gull deposits the crab on the shore before eating it.

Kingfisher: I first seen him right next to the hide hovering, but light was to low so a picture was impossible. Next he was on the cables above the water and then on to one of the sticks in front of the hide where I finally got a record shot.

Lapwing: The Lapwings were doing circuits all afternoon failing to settle down for some reason
Great images Bob.
Happy New Year,hope 2010 bring you luck.
Great shot of the gull dropping the crab Bob.
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