Teal came out just in front off the Southern Cut off hide enabling a nice close up. (Shame about the dead reed in the way)
Saturday, 27 March 2010
Varied Selection from Stithians
Started the day off at Marazion and didn't get any pictures. Then onto Praa Sands to check the surf which was garbage. So off home for some lunch and then off to Stithians. A little cloudy but a few sunny spells mean't some ok phots. Did have a Sparrow Hawk burst into the southern cut, flew through the feeders into the woods and sat there. Wood was to dense to get a shot though. Did have a rat and a swan acting like a pig at the feeders amongst others. Todays Pictures:
Teal came out just in front off the Southern Cut off hide enabling a nice close up. (Shame about the dead reed in the way)
Teal came out just in front off the Southern Cut off hide enabling a nice close up. (Shame about the dead reed in the way)
Friday, 26 March 2010
Nest building in Full Swing
It is that time of year where nest building is now in full swing and most birds ( one exception of note the Heron's at Marazion that already have chicks) are collecting material to build their new houses. A quick walk through the quagmire at the rear of Marazion was where I found a Thrush collecting nesting material. A Greylag Goose was also in the vicinity. Nothing doing at St Gothians Sands so got some more images from Hayle between showers. Yesterday I got the van stuck on a patch of grass, had to make a carpet out of clothes in the back so the front wheels could grip and get me off, luckily it worked, so no drama's today just wish the van was 4x4. Todays Images:
Thursday, 25 March 2010
Day of the Cormorant and The Rain Again
Really getting h---ed off with this persistant rain, especially on my week off. Good news is I am back at work Monday so standby for loads off sunshine!!! Today from Marazion before the downpour there was Cormorant, Alpine Swift, Canada and Greylag Geese, Godwits and Herons. However the Cormorant was the only one close for pictures and a pair of toads at Stithians (proper frog like ones). So onto the images:
A fishing shot, quite pleased with this one as they normally dine underwater unless it's a large catch

Dont forget tonight featuring PEREGRINE FALCON--BBC1 9pm on Thursday- "Inside The Perfect Predator" features Cheetah, Great White Shark, Crocodile and Peregrine Falcon. (Not For The Faint Hearted) Further Information Here Inside The Perefect Predator
Tuesday, 23 March 2010
Persistent Rain, Gulls and Geese.
Well a quick trip to Marazion to be there before the incoming rain failed, I got there and within thirty seconds of setting my camera up it poured down. A brief respite followed but with nothing appearing apart from rain, fast approaching on the horizon I headed to Hayle RSPB hyde. Here I found Redshank, a Greylag Goose and some common gulls. I also had some SPAM posted on the blog last night and this has been removed, if you have any problems leaving comments/feedback please let me know admin@bobsharplesphotography.co.uk I think I have sorted it. So onto today's photographic attempts!!
Monday, 22 March 2010
Black Tailed Godwits, Heron with Chicks and Alpine Swift (record shot)
With an unexpected clearance in the persisitant rain I headed down to Marazion for a quiet afternoon taking pictures of whatever was there. Within two minutes of me setting up I was surrounded by people looking for an Alpine Swift? This duly flew directly overhead which mean't I couldn't angle the 600mm to get the shot. I did get one from about two miles away though, hence the record shot. The Heron is sitting on two chicks at present. Also on the Marsh today were two Black Tailed Godwits, one in superb summer plumage. Running late tonight so straight onto the pictures:
Herons Nest, enlarge this one and you will see the yellow eye of one of the chicks above the copyright.

Sunday, 21 March 2010
New Images After Ten Days
Well after ten days of waiting for a break in the weather and work, I finally got out today. New images nothing out of the ordinary but the first Kestrel this year for me and a "maybe" Scandinavian Jackdaw. After reported sightings yesterday of Swallows/Sand Martins I expected to see a hive of activity around, wrong!!! I only saw two Sand Martins briefly at Marazion. Well at least it is a start and migrants are beginning to arrive. The Herons Nest opposite the viewing area also has at least one chick in it. Good to see Steve Rogers out again, arm on the mend, so expect to see his blog updated on a more regular basis with more splendid images. Steve Rogers Blog here. Onto todays images:
Kestrel: Light was on the wrong side of the Kestrel so a bit of over exposure required, I went one stop over, possibly needed another half stop over. However still an acceptable image.
Scandinavian Jackdaw?(Left) Marazion Jackdaw (Right) I will let you make your own minds on the Scandinavian Jackdaw.

Also look out for BBC1 9pm on Thursday- "Inside The Perfect Predator" features Cheetah, Great White Shark, Crocodile and Peregrine Falcon. (Not For The Faint Hearted) Further Information Here
Thursday, 18 March 2010
Time to dig out the old files Kenya to Helston
Well with work and weather restricitng picture taking this last and next few days; I decided to look at some old files. So here they are:
Siberian Tiger: This image was taken at Dartmoor Wildlife Park at Sparkwell, near Plymouth. This park was featured in the TV programme Ben's Zoo. Could be time for another visit there soon I think to see how things are progressing. It was in need of a lot of work and improvement when they aquired it. More tiger images here Bob Sharples Photography Big Cats
Woodduck? Taken at Helston boating lake in 2006, a nice surprise when I came accross it this afternoon.

Thursday, 11 March 2010
First visit to Walmsley
Well this was my first visit to Walmsly today. Nothing unusual on offer and hardly anything flying. So images of the Canada's squabbling and a couple of Egrets. I have to say though the hide is fantastic, a great platform for bird photography/watching. I will be visiting again soon. Then went onto Marazion but again awfully quiet. Weather is due to change soon hopefullly this will bring in some migrants and get the residents birds in action again, it is almost as if nothing flies in cold easterly winds?? On a brighter note though I did spot eleven Dodo's playing for Liverpool on Monday and Thursday this week. Onto todays pictures :
Wednesday, 10 March 2010
Lack of Opportunity
Looking at the amount of blog updates (very few), it seems there is a present a lack of photo opportunites. The easterly biting wind which is still prevailing likely doesn't help matters. However I am still out and about when possible, although results don't justify my efforts. Soon the dull patch and cold winds will disappear and stunning images will begin presenting themselves again soon. Here are todays best efforts, nothing fantastic!!!
Tuesday, 9 March 2010
A couple of tits and a couple of others.
Well an unexpected appearance of sunshine from the heavens caused me to take a quick trip to Stithians. With the Easterly winds still biting and blowing accross the reservoir very little was happening so straight on to todays images.
Monday, 8 March 2010
Frustrating and Freezing
With sunlight forecast thought I would visit St Gothians, Carnsew, Hayle and Marazion. Yesterdays freezing cold winds were still with us. This resulted in a frustrating day as the only life out and about in this chill were stupid humans (me included) My theory was, it is forecast cloud all week today is Sunny so get out and use the light. So I'm out, sun is out, but the bird and wildlife being rather more sensible was holed up for the day. So no mind blowing images as very little was happening. I did see the newly arrived wheatear at St Gothian Sands but they were to distant to get any good pictures.
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