Arrived at Marazion around 10.30am to be told I had missed all the action, Bitterns flying everywhere and sunbathing. As I walked through the gap in the wall I saw one walking across the ice, sods law, I had stopped to chat for two minutes, another opportunity gone begging. Waited for it to appear from the reeds which it did some two hours later, but being unco-operative it flew off in the wrong direction. After lunch I tried again, unbelievable one flew into the reeds at the end of the fence. I was hoping it would walk out on the ice but it flew instead, but it was so close, shots below. Some excellent lighting for photography was had late afternoon when some more stunning views were had. I often get asked why I visit so Marazion so often, simple it is where the action is at present and enables me to try and get better pictures. It is my intention to try some video, once I get some Bittern images I am happy with. Who knows when that will be? Onto today's images:
First image leaping out from the end of the fence |
The second image in flight, check the talons out. |
Grey Heron a rare sight compared to the Bittern |
Spot of sun bathing |
Coming in for one of those dodgy landings. |
Keith Hargreaves said the Bittern would come out in the open ten minutes after he left, and he was right. (Good call, Keith) Breaking through the ice also |
Just great in the late afternoon light |
Some Curlews to finish the day off.

World Bird Wednesday-Click on the Image |