Saturday 26 March 2011

Quiet Morning at Marazion

Only had the morning available today for photography, then it was off to repair my central heating (in time for the summer!) -It is still very quiet however there was some nice lighting and zero wind for a little while.  This enabled some nice shots of the usual birds at Marazion. No Golden Eagles or Hoppoes here!!! Both seen nearby though. So onto the images:

Greylag and no wind allowing a great relection


Wheatear, first one on the blog this year

Little Egret


JRandSue said...

Hard to pick out my favorite Bob,they are outstanding as usual.
Love the flight shots.

Joop Zand said...

I enjoy too see such lovely pictures,
really nice work Bob.

Greetings, Joop

web hosting said...

Ahhh, really amazing work! I love these pics! Thanks for sharing! Mason