Friday, 10 February 2017

Hayle, St Erth and Marazion

A fairly good day weather wise little wind and some sun, managed to get around a bit. Witnessed a grey Heron struggling for an hour to swallow a large fish that he stole off some carrion crows, got the avocet at Hayle a little closer, followed by a Cattle Egret at St Erth. The cattle egret was a little awkward due to the sun intensity at times but did manage some ok images. Rounded off the day with a Roe deer at Marazion.


Grey Heron

Sunny day for a bathe


Cattle Egret

Cattle Egret

Cattle Egret

Roe Deer

1 comment:

JRandSue said...

Good job Bob,great post,my favourite has to be the Grey Heron,stunning action shot.