Sunday, 27 May 2012

New Combo, D4/D800/D400?????

Well decided lugging the 600mm everywhere wasn't a good idea.  So I opted for a 300mm VR and TC x2 111 to go on my D3s/D7000.  This weekend shots are from that set up and the 600mm also.  Whilst the 300mm and TC 2 111 is much lighter images are slightly softer and focus for flight shots isn't a rapid, but for occasions where carrying the 600mm over distance is not an option then the 300mm and TC 2 111 is the next best thing. Still thinking about getting a D4 or D800 or maybe even wait for the D400 which will hopefully appear sometime this year. So what is stopping me at present the D4 offers me a better focus system, slightly more FPS and a better video capability which I never use! So at present I feel the price far outweighs the gain for me. The D800 well I have a D7000 on nikons cropped sensor and 16.2 mp which probably isn't far off a crop from the D800 full frame, and it is only 4 fps (which I could probably live with), has the d4 focus system and a  36mp FF sensor. In our UK light I think that just means more noise! And add to that cost for the D800  a new computer or upgrade to handle the large files. Out of the two the D800 seems best value for money.  However I am still waiting for announcement of the D300s replacement.  I decide on my cameras not from lab tests but actual results gained in the field for me this means wildlife/action shots from the UK, not abroad where the light is always better. So if anyone knows of anyone currently shooting wild/action with either of these cameras in the UK could you please point me in their direction so I can have a look at their images. Ok enough waffle on some of mine from the weekend.

Rabbit, licking itself clean





JRandSue said...

Love the Chough,your Swallow is stunning.
Keep them coming.

Unknown said...

Agree with John stunnning Chough shot and the light in that swallow image is fab.

S K Ditta said...

Bob, choice of camera and lenses makes a difference. More importantly you are out there and turning out some great shots. I suppose, others will be looking admiringly at your UK pictures.