Tuesday, 22 February 2011

Stithians thrives despite the Grey and the Rain

Well as usual its English grey and murky, raining etc, yes I was in the UK this morning. Definitely a hide day so I set off to Stithians. I managed to get some closer shots off the Great Crested Grebes performing their routines, hopefully next time weather will also be on my side. A bonus were the Golden Eye and even the Pochard came close enough for a record shots. Main feature tonight though is the Great Crested Grebes again! Today's pictures:

Great Crested Grebe

Bit of weed as a gift for the missus!!

A meeting to exchange gifts!!

Four Female Golden Eye

Golden Eye


Tufted Duck

Sunday, 20 February 2011

Stithians, more Great Crested Grebe

Another quick visit to Stithians before the light went dull and overcast. Despite the Great Crested Grebe displaying their courtship ritual, the display was still to distant or obscured from the camera view. I could of had a better view by grabbing a chainsaw and cutting down the dead tree that was in the way, but this would of been unethical and extreme gardening. So until my luck changes and they display near the hide distant shots it it is. A sunny day with no wind is what is needed, oh  and a pair of co-operative Great Crested Grebes displaying adjacent the hide. Ok here are the pictures, not brilliant but you can see the potential for some fantastic images if luck is on your side and all falls into place.

Saturday, 19 February 2011

Picture Drought Over

Having had the camera out for the last few days and returned with s-d all images, it was good to get some today. I don't know what has been going on at Marazion but about 90% of the birds seem to of disappeared. Well that where I started today and I wasn't there long as apart from a lone goose it was pretty dire with nothing around. So I heard a rumour Stithians had a pair of Great Crested Grebes on the lake, so gave that a go. Ok the birds didn't quite get in camera range but plenty of courtship display going on. Important thing was to get some images which I did, here are some below.

The lone goose at Marazion

Great Crested Grebe

Pair of Great Crested Grebes

Little Grebe

Coot to finish off with.

Saturday, 12 February 2011

Carnsew,Hayle and Marazion.

A poor return so far this month and I did not get much today either.  I did catch up with the Slavonian Grebe at Carnsew but just record shots as it was almost out of camera range. Ryan's Field was covered in Lapwing and Gulls but nothing out of the ordinary.  By the time I arrived at Marazion the wind had picked up and it was looking pretty windswept and most wildlife had taken shelter, so I followed suit and went home. Here are the images from today:


Slavonian Grebe

Robin in full song

Lapwing in great lighting

Gull descending onto Ryan's Field

Redshank with a tasty morsel

Oyster Catcher across windswept Marazion.

Tuesday, 1 February 2011

Quality light shines on Marazion

An afternoon trip to B and Q and I managed to get the last hour of afternoon light at Marazion. Only the common species which are often overlooked by photographers were showing. It would of been a shame to waste the opportunity so here are some pictures of the locals at Marazion on a sunny winter afternoon.



