Tuesday 16 August 2016

Porthleven Lifeboat Day 2016

Porthleven lifeboat day held annually around August, the RNLI, Coastguard and Coastguard Helicopters all attend subject to call-outs. This year a Porthleven was the first appearance of the new S-92 Helicopter from Bristows based at Newquay airport. This year also in addition to the Penlee Lifeboat there were also two inshore ribs in attendance. The S-92 Helicopter announced his arrival with a loud siren over the harbour as he flew in. Then there was the spectacular lifeboat rescue demonstration with the helicopter, and on completion all three lifeboats entered the harbour for the crowds to see. A sunny day also, fantastic day all round.  A small selection of images here and remainder on my website at: Porthleven Lifeboat Day Images

Porthleven Gig Club

Inshore and Off shore lifeboats in the harbour

Inshore lifeboat

Rescue Demonstration with CG924

Rescue Demonstration with CG924

Rescue Demonstration with CG924

Coastguard Helicopter departs after SAR demonstration

The Penlee Fotilla

Monday 15 August 2016

RNAS Culdrose Air Day 2016

Well I was fortunate enough to obtain pictures on the preview day and Air Day itself; unfortunately for the organisers the British weather thwarted the flying display this year. Despite this there was still a lot of entertainment and other things to occupy people and most people went away happy despite the lack of flying. I did concentrate on obtaining aircraft images where I could despite the weather here is a small selection.

Belgian Air Force Sea King

German Luftwaffe Typhoon "60 year special"

Dutch NH90

Bronco OV 10B

Fairground ride, captures the low-visibility on the day!

736 Squadron Hawk T1 lands at RNAS Culdrose

A great sight, Gazelle in 705 squadron "sharks" livery

The local Merlin MK2 Helicopters

736 Squadron Hawk on static display

Rich Goodwin gives a nice departure on leaving

Sea Harriers on the ground provided some entertainment

One of the Team Raven prepares for departure