Sunday 31 January 2010

All quiet again, then out came the sun and the Bittern

It was all very quiet down at Marazion the morning.  I was just about to head off home when the sun made a prolonged appearance. The herons have started nesting again in front ot the main viewing area. At present the Male heron is flying down collecting sticks for the nest, giving great photo opportunities. Also at this time I saw the Bittern land in the area, and then Rachel spotted him walking below the heron's nest site. I did shoot some video but that didn't come out. (Oh well have to read the instructions on that one) Earlier was pretty fruitless on the marsh, so I headed down to the river on the beach.  Greenfinch, Redwings, Wagtails, Chaffinches and Stonechats all sighted here. Onto todays pictures:

Swan: off down the runway, this take off was aborted.


Greenfinch on the beach

Bittern, notice the long legs utiled to cross the reedbed.

Bittern stretching that long neck forward

Bittern, processed as black and white just to emphasise it's superb camaflage.

Teal baithing

Oyster catcher bathing

Mr and Mrs Heron on the nest

Heron, swooping down looking for nesting material

Saturday 30 January 2010

All quiet at Stithians, Swans declare war at Maza

A quiet start today at Stithians which was a bit frustrating as the light was poor 90%  of the time. As a result I did miss some pictures including the Marsh Tit and Coal Tit, no-sign of the Kingfisher.  Onto Marazion a walk up to the Railway crossover produced nothing very quiet here also.  Good views can now be had over the marsh  from the seated area on the path to the old hide spot; the reed cutter has done an excellent job here. Returning to the other end of the Mrash (beach side) all hell broke loose.  The swans decided it was time to commence fighting over territory and mates by the looks of things.  Lots of photos but only a couple here. I was freezing and a bit of hail fell about 3.30pm so I bottled it and went home. Here are the pictures.

Reed Bunting at Stithians Southern cut off

Jay at Stithians Southern cut off

GS Woodpecker at Stithians Southern cut off

Tufted duck at Stithians Southern cut off

Coot from Stithians Stuart Hutchins hide

Swans, bad case of bullying! at Marazion

Swans: the squabbling continues at Marazion

Water Pipit? at the marsh edge

Wednesday 27 January 2010

Back to Normal

After a reasonable start to 2010 it looks like things are back to normal. Poor weather forecasts and bad light really snookered todays efforts at Hayle and Carnsew Basin. Arriving at Marazion the bad light was compounded by smoke from the reed burning and reed cutting was still going on. It was one of those days where I just gave up.  Only a couple of pictures today. 

Redshank at Hayle RSPB

Curlew at Hayle RSPB hide

Curlew again at Hayle RSPB hide

Monday 25 January 2010

Shot the fox today but that was about all!!!

I missed the fox yesterday but did see him again today, this time being still long enough for an image to be gained.  Little more was happening in what proved to be a very quiet  and very cold afternoon. I was trying to get an image of the Bittern landing on top of the reeds but they were not playing ball today. Managed to see a waterrail crossing the path and got a record shot.  Ten minutes earlier and the fox might of fancied it. If you look closely at the photo of the fox I am pretty certain its left front paw is injured. So onto todays poor reward for lots of effort. (just one of those days)

Fox:  if you enlarge this image look at the front paw it looks somewhat injured to me.

Little Egret Fishing.  I am rather happy with this shot as it has frozen the action, the instant after the bird grabbed its meal,

Mallard:  Another good result from the AF system on the 7D

Sunday 24 January 2010

Canon 7D set up finally and images from today

Well finally tweaked all the 7D settings, have my three custom function settings dialled in, and all appeared to work fine today. Focus tracking appears to be working really well, now it is dialed in correctly with custom tweaks.  Spent the day at Marazion again!  Bitterns were around but distant today.  Got my first usable images this year of Little Egret, Mallard and Buzzard.  Again today I seen a fox on the marsh but he was off before I could shoot him. (With the camera). A good day for light shame there wasn't much flying around. Perhaps a cold spell is needed to get the birds flying again!


Little Egret.  This one dropped in only a few yards for the camera.

Mallard:  Pictured doing a quick circuit over the marsh.


The Daily Bittern

Saturday 23 January 2010

Work in the way again!!!

Unfortunately work this weekend has messed up the planned photography at Loe Pool, Man an Tol and Stithians. So I won't get much until next week when the cold temperatures are back, how lucky is that??? Did manage to grab a couple this am before work at Marazion, also managed to miss two Bittern's in flight and a fox (must of been a really bad day)

Swan, in the early morning sunlight when it eventually broke through.

Magpie chasing Sparrowhawk. At least I think it is a Sparrowhawk?? Originally thought I was photographing two magpies so bit of a surprise when I downloaded this one.

Tuesday 19 January 2010

Only one bird phot today (Bittern again)

What a rubbish day weather wise and light wise for photography. Decided to check out the area before Men an Tol (aptly called "good to look over" by Ashly Hugo). Despite Ashes ace directions which I left at home I somehow missed the area and had a good look over it from about two miles away!! so no pictures from there. Possibly a wrong turning through Madron? Prior to this I stopped at Marazion and the only bird that flew was a Bittern. Not super sharp pictures but this was close.  People were also there doing some reed bed cutting so a couple of shots of that also (well nothing better) Next post when the weather improves likely the weekend.

Bittern becoming rather a common sight at Marazion this one on show about five minutes after I got set up.

Reed Cutting at Marazion Marsh

Reed cutting at Marazion Marsh (think I could use this on my lawn!)

Sunday 17 January 2010

Nice day for a Dip

Sunny but cold, but that mean't the birds were having a dip, cleaning and preening etc. Bittern was viewed about six times although only briefly. Intentions were to go up Men an Tol about 3pm after Marazion but I didn't make and the Bittern didn't make it either for the image I wanted!! So Men an Tol Tuesday pm, weather permitting. Good light today though and some nice pictures although the birds haven't changed in the last week or so. Onto the pictures;

Bittern:  One of the first of about 6 sitings today, so likely is three or four Bitterns at Marazion

Swan: the first of our bathers today

Pippet, not sure which one but enjoying a dip anyhow.

Female Stonechat: this one just wanted a paddle.

Mr and Mrs Shoveler

Oyster Catcher: this one just drop in for a drink of water.

And finally not sure what this one is intial thoughts are snipe? Dunlin-Thanks Steve Rogers

Wednesday 13 January 2010

Bittern Shows Again

Today I visited, Hayle, Carnsew, Godrevy, Praa Sands and with an hoer or two left of daylight Marazion. I arrived just in time to see a Bittern again fly over the Marsh.  And also at the end of the day around 4pm one flew into Longrock Pool about 20ft in front off me in the reed bed. I managed a couple of shots before the bird hid. From talking to everyone today it would appear there are now four Bittern's on the marsh at present. (So now is likely your best chance to view one) Selection of images from today below:

Redwing: Grabs a welcome bite at Ryan's Field

Female Blackbird: Foraging for food at Carnsew Basin

Bittern: Takes to the air at Marazion

Male Shoveler: Preens himself after an afternoon dip.

Bittern:  Settling down for the night at Longrock Pool.

Monday 11 January 2010


Today I noticed there are two Bitterns at Marazion Marsh, about 4pm this afternoon both went over from Marazion to Longrock pool within about one minute of each other.  One even did a circuit of the marsh but waited until Rachel had gone to lunch!!! Its about the 6th time in about a week I have seen the Bittern in flight but only today did I get a shot.

Redwing: Enjoying the warm winter sun.

Magpie: Sat on the fence drying off, a really colourful bird when the light is good.


Bittern in Flight:  This is the one that did a fly by while Rachel was at lunch.

Snipe: flying low over the frozen marsh

Bittern at Longrock pool. I think he was about to go to roost when the heron dropped in.