Monday 28 March 2011

Images are back on line


Thanks to everyone who had left comments regarding the visibility of images in my recent posts. I am now glad to say that all images are now viewable again.

If anyone is experiencing similar problems edit your post in HTML mode and in the text for each image just delete Height= "0" and Width= "0" and your images will re-appear.

This was a blog software glitch which hopefully google have now sorted!!!

Sunday 27 March 2011

Test Image

Ok this is just a test to see if the image is visible as a thumbnail, if not I think I will have to restore my computer settings to a few days ago.

Fogged Off "third time lucky?

Ok, I have previously tried to bring you these images twice now but for some reason they didn't post correctly, ie no images shown. A foggy day in most of the area's I visited today has well ended up with a poor show of images but the day was sort of rescued when I got some nice close ups at Drift. I hope you can see the images this time.  If not if you click where they are meant to be then they should appear.

Fulmar Hells Mouth

Whooper Swan Drift

Whooper Swan

Mute Swan

Hybrid Goose, Drift


Chasing off the competition

Saturday 26 March 2011

Quiet Morning at Marazion

Only had the morning available today for photography, then it was off to repair my central heating (in time for the summer!) -It is still very quiet however there was some nice lighting and zero wind for a little while.  This enabled some nice shots of the usual birds at Marazion. No Golden Eagles or Hoppoes here!!! Both seen nearby though. So onto the images:

Greylag and no wind allowing a great relection


Wheatear, first one on the blog this year

Little Egret

Wednesday 16 March 2011

Spoonbills at Walmsley

Took the trek from Helston to Walmsley today.  Some mixed results most of the images distant, however the spoonbills did get within record shot distance. Decided I would go to Marazion pm, big mistake I should of stayed at Walmsley, Marazion was blown out. Did see the "possible Tundra Falcon" so might be worth another visit soon. Well onto the images:



Another Canadian Dispute!


Godwits made a brief visit

Good view of the "Spoonbill"
Spoonbill with lunch

Spoonbills feeding

Sunday 13 March 2011

Carnsew Basin and a few other places!

Well visited Marazion first thing, nothing much here did see the remaining Bittern though. Onto Ryan's Field, zero of any interest here. Onto Carnsew, I had visited the other day but nothing would come close enough today I got lucky. Then I visited St Gothians for some close ups of Pochards but they were not playing ball. Decided to move onto Hells Mouth, arrived there and well it's Sunday the Sun is out and so were about six million people so that was a non starter. Home for a brew and some lunch then off to Stithians to try and get the Great Crested Grebe but they weren't playing either. There were three off them to busy squabbbling away fromn the camera. So didn't get to much today but some ok results things are picking up!!!
Red Breasted Merganser
Slavonian Grebe?
Slavonian Grebe?

Red Brested Merganser

St Gothians and Hells Mouth

Well somehow I managed to change my camera settings today and shot JPG format instead of RAW. So lesson learnt always worth checking the settings. Good to hear and see Skylarks at ST Gothians and Fulmars are in large numbers at Hells Mouth. Canada Geese x5 were also entertaining on the day. Well quickly onto the images as the Sun is actually out so I am off to look for some pictures.
Canada Geese
Canada Geese
Canada Goose


Tuesday 8 March 2011

Lean Times

Well another day chasing images which are of late very hard to come by (Even a Mallard has made this post) Three frustrating hours at Stithians waiting for something to happen, but alas it was one of those days. I had the day off and looked for a while that all the bird life had at Stithians. Still on a positive note I did get some shots of the locals. Decided on Hells Mouth after lunch. I was trying to get the Fulmars in flight swooping around the cliffs, have no joy I decided to take the converter off the camera. Sods law a peregrine flew past timed exactly for when I had the converter in one hand and camera in the other. Left the converter off and then managed a distant shot when it landed. This was followed by an hour at Marazion which again was more noted for the absentees today. So onto the pictures I did get:

Long Tailed Tit

Reed Bunting
Peregrine record shot
Grey Heron

Sunday 6 March 2011

Another Blog of Stunning Bird Photography

I came across a blog by a Wildlife Photographer Richard Pittam in my view it it well worth a look on the first page I scrolled there was a large amount of images from the UK and USA with an excellent variety of bird life. I will certainly be revisiting to view more of the blog and newer posts in the future. Well here is the link:  hope you enjoy the images.

Saturday 5 March 2011

Stithians Again

Apologies first off all for the lack of posts lateley a combination off computer virus's, work, and crap weather are to blame. I will visit and catch up on the blogs soon and hopefully be posting a few more images than off late. The light was good this morning but due to the Northerly breeze most birds were taking shelter on the far side away from the camera including the Great Crested Grebes. However after a couple of weeks off anything is better than nothing so onto the images from today:



Water Rail

Little Grebe

Little Grebe

Tufted Duck


Golden Eye