An injured Lapwing was struggling at Ryans Field, two Carrion Crows were immediately on it's case. The Lapwing put up a tremendous fight but in the end there was only going to be one outcome. The Lapwing had to endure its original injury, pecking and the drowning attempts by the assailants. Weakened the bird was dragged onto the shore, where the two carrion pinned the bird down and just ate it whilst it was still alive, feathers and chunks of lapwing were ruthlessly ripped from bird. All this took four minutes before the Lapwing succumbed. So that is how nature works the strong pick out the weak and a brutal, sometimes slow death follows. Anyway after watching the Crows have lunch I popped over to Marazion very quiet here, did get a fleeting glance of the Bittern so one is still there. Again photography was dogged by bad light, so image quality isn't fantastic, but I try! Hope you enjoy the images from my first post this year.
The attack commences as the injured Lapwing struggles in the water |
Dragged to shore, the Lapwing is doomed |
Eaten Alive |
Still enjoy his ill gotten meal |
Swan in flight at Mrazion |
I said it was quiet, even the Mallard is in the first post of 2012 |