Saturday, 21 January 2017

Blank few days

Normal wildlife photography frustrations have resumed lol. Weds and Thursday searching for Owls at Bartinney, Friday looking for the Kingfisher at Tehidy all drew a blank!!! Did Manage some sunrises, sunsets, a robin and wren to compensate though.

Sunrise over St Michaels Mount/Mounts Bay

Setting sun at Longships Lighthouse Lands End

Another angle of the sunset at Longships here farmers can be seen in the fields still working  up until sundown

A Robin posed nicely at Tehidy

Wren feeding at Tehidy

Wednesday, 4 January 2017

Bartinney Downs

Some distant images of a Short Eared Owl at Bartinney Downs.  The Short Eared Owl had a successful hunt, and the Kestrel tried in vain to pinch the kill. Also had a Red Fox passing again at Distance.
Red Fox passing

Short Eared Owl

Short Eared Owl 

Short Eared Owl (hidden on rock, right of image)

Short Eared Owl

Short Eared Owl

Short Eared Owl with prey fends off  Kestrel

Short Eared Owl with prey and Kestrel

Short Eared Owl with prey and Kestrel

Marazion 30/1/2016

Thought I would make an effort to re-establish some blog activity so here are a couple from a quiet Marazion, my last camera outing of 2016. (Bit rusty so not sure on the gull id's)

Jackdaw bathing

Meadow Pipit


Grey Heron


Leucistic Carrion Crow