Thursday, 9 October 2014

Sept/Oct visit to the Mach Loop in Wales

Well certainly picked a quite week this time. From my experience on wildlife photography patience is the key, but this week took patience to a whole new level. Two days with no aircraft, on the other three days only one aircraft in the morning! But patience paid off in the end. Still a good laugh up there with fellow photographers whilst waiting and you can't fail to be impressed by the  stunning scenery and changeable weather conditions. It's just a great place to be even without the aircraft activity. Well now onto some pictures!

MC-130H Talon

F-15E Strike Eagle

RAF C-130 Hercules

Tornado GR4 "Rebel 41"

Tornado GR4 "Rebel 41"

MC-130H Talon

RAF Hawk

F-15E Strike Eagle

F-15E Strike Eagle

F-15E Strike Eagle

F-15E Strike Eagle

MC-130H Talon


JRandSue said...

Top Gun Bob.

Unknown said...

Fantastic images Bob is it a special event that you photograph these planes in Wales?

Bobbster said...

Hi Tony, JR and Sue thanks for the feedback, Tony no special event just go up there and take your chance of something flying through the hills at low level