Saturday, 14 October 2017

Norwegian SAR Aircraft at Newquay Airport

Paid a visit to Cornwall Newquay airport where the Norwegian All Weather Search and Rescue Helicopter (NAWSARH) is temporarily based. Here aircrews are training/familiarising with their new helicopters . 

The helicopter is the most advanced SAR Capable helicopter in the world today. The aircraft has two rescue hoists, a large cabin area, automatic flight control system, newly developed Osprey radar giving a full all round 360 degree view for aircrew, all weather capability, anti-icing protection,  a mobile telephone detection system, integrated  dual redundancy avionic/mission systems, power plant consisting of three engines, a thirty minute dry run gearbox, a laser obstacle avoidance system and an obstacle proximity system which provides warning of wires and other obstacles that may be a danger to the aircraft. So that is a brief description of the aircraft, now onto some images

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