Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Storm "No Show" in Cornwall

Well the storm failed to wipe out Cornwall, in fact hardly touched it. Some nice waves for the wind and kite surfers, a small amount of flooding in Penzance, close up views of a Great Northern Diver and two patio chairs blown over in my garden were the highlights. Lots of people turned up at Porthleven to Storm watch and I think the waves probably achieved a score of 1/10 compared to the regular storms and sea swells that normally roll in for an epic storm. So here are my images from the mega storm!

Little waves, in epic storms conditions waves are above the old hotel on the cliff

The old lifeboat house

Lots of storm watchers near the clock tower

Windsurfers heads out

Kite surfer enjoying the day

The Great Northern Diver at Marazion came by for a close up shot

Another nice close up

A road closed at Helston due to a minor accident spilling oil on the road

The end of Porthleven Pier shot that everyone gets

1 comment:

holdingmoments said...

Terrible storm damage you had Bob. lol
It missed here too. I think the media overplayed it all a bit. I've had bigger wind after a curry.

Great to see the GND still around.