Monday, 30 November 2009

Rain and Wind "So What's New"

Well nothing new,  it has been a frustrating and disappointing month weather wise and today was no exception. Today I went to Carnsew Pool again but got soaked before I even got out the car park. So gave that a miss and went to Ryan's Field cold and miserable here with the Northerly wind blowing the rain into the hide and only one gull to view. Around to Marazion Marsh which looked like a flood plain and more wind and rain.  Followed this up to Porthleven where I grabbed some pictures of the surfers and some Gulls and Turnstones featured below. Got home and the local 6pm news said we had a dry day in the region today, IDIOTS!!! I have placed my Choice Images for November here. some have appeared on the blog others have not. Onto today's images, there aren't many but with so few blog updates at present your getting them anyway.

Exif for all images: Canon 1dMk111, 600mm lens with 1.4x converter(840mm) , Aperture Priority, F5.6, ISO 400, 1/125 to 1/800 sec, +0.7 stop

The second image of the Turnstone is slightly blurred but does demonstrate the shallow depth of field at close range of the 600mm lens.

This Gull has a treat in his beak, I think he has helped himself to one of those fat balls.

In the final image we can see the effect of the back lighting through the wings and tail feathers, shame the sky wasn't blue.

Tuesday, 24 November 2009

Little Grebe, Red Brested Merganser and Pacific Diver

Took the Little Grebe picture at Hayle looked rather odd Little Grebe taking on a crab.  Then got some nice shots of the Red Brested Merganser at Carnsew Pool. Also got some average pictures of the diver, light was rubbish late PM.  Double click for full size images, especially the Merganser where the razor like teeth on the bill are well displayed

Little Grebe: Exif: Canon 1D MK111, canon 600mm f4 with 1.4x teleconverter (840mm) Aperture Priority, f5,6, 1/1250 sec, +0.3 stop

Pacific Diver: Exif: Canon 1D MK111, canon 600mm f4 with 1.4x teleconverter (840mm) Aperture Priority, f5,6, 1/800 sec, +0.3 stop

Red Brested Merganser: Exif: Canon 1D MK111, canon 600mm f4 with 1.4x teleconverter (840mm) Aperture Priority, f5,6, 1/400 sec, +0.3 stop

Pacific Diver: Exif: Canon 1D MK111, canon 600mm f4 with 1.4x teleconverter (840mm) Aperture Priority, f5,6, 1/800 sec, +0.3 stop

Monday, 23 November 2009

Pacific Diver at Carnsew Pool

Hi, made my first visit to Carnsew Pool.  It was very windy with squally showers.  The Pacific Diver seemed to know I was taking pictures (or trying to ) and just stuck to doing circuit in the middle of the pool. When he eventually got close enough , just! the heavens opened, typical.  Managed to get some record shots though, not technically great in any way but no mistaking what it is.  Then got home to find my internet had been knocked out by the thunderstorms, knocking off my electrics and shorting out my satalite system also!!!!! Hence the reason why most of you will be viewing this post on Tuesday and not Sunday PM.  The images well, three of the Pacific Diver, one Curlew  and one Cormorant swallowing a large eel.

Cormorant: Exif: Canon 1D MK111, 600mm F4 lens with 1.4x teleconverter (840mm), Aperture Priority, F5.6, 1/1000 sec, ISO 400, + 0.7 stop

Curlew: Exif: Canon 1D MK111, 600mm F4 lens with 1.4x teleconverter (840mm), Aperture Priority, F5.6, 1/1000 sec, ISO 400, + 0.7 stop

Pacific Diver: Exif: Canon 1D MK111, 600mm F4 lens with 1.4x teleconverter (840mm), Aperture Priority, F5.6, 1/1600 sec, ISO 400, + 0.3 stop

Pacific Diver: Exif: Canon 1D MK111, 600mm F4 lens with 1.4x teleconverter (840mm), Aperture Priority, F5.6, 1/1250 sec, ISO 400, + 0.3 stop

Pacific Diver: Exif: Canon 1D MK111, 600mm F4 lens with 1.4x teleconverter (840mm), Aperture Priority, F5.6, 1/500 sec, ISO 400, + 0.7 stop

Friday, 20 November 2009

St Gothians, Hayle, Newlyn and Marazion

Well it was sunny so I had to get around and about, very little activity but the light was good so some nice images. Bumped into Rachel at Marazion and we headed off to Newlyn. Had some fun trying to get the Cormorant as he was diving almost got it in the picture below but slightly blurred (I will get it next time) Hopefully the Northern Divers will venture closer in next time.

Buzzard at St Gothians: Exif: Canon 1d MK111, 600mm lens with 1.4x teleconverter (840mm), Aperture Priority, F5.6, 1/1250 sec, ISO 400, + 0.7 stop

Oyster Catcher Marazion Marsh: Exif: Canon 1d MK111, 600mm lens with 1.4x teleconverter (840mm), Aperture Priority, F5.6, 1/1000 sec, ISO 400, + 0.7 stop

Stonechat Marazion Marsh: Exif: Canon 1d MK111, 600mm lens with 1.4x teleconverter (840mm), Aperture Priority, F5.6, 1/1600 sec, ISO 400, +/- 0 stop

Cormorant Newlyn Harbour: Exif: Canon 1d MK111, 600mm lens with 1.4x teleconverter (840mm), Aperture Priority, F5.6, 1/500 sec, ISO 400, + 0.3 stop

Northern Diver Newlyn: Exif: Canon 1d MK111, 600mm lens with 1.4x teleconverter (840mm), Aperture Priority, F5.6, 1/1600 sec, ISO 400, +/- 0 stop

Thursday, 19 November 2009

Frustrated by the Weather

Dark days, windy as hell, set to continue with rain thrown in for the next four/five days, just GREAT.  Still not put off ventured out on the last couple of days but my efforts were fruitless and unrewarded. (I need to stay at home on the settee more often).  Dull light and strong winds are the main obstacles,  nearly everything is holed up seeking shelter except a couple of wild birds and an idiot photographer (yes me) On the beach today at Marazion was just brill being blasted by sand and wind, and the results two images and sand all over the camera and van.  So onto the images, a Lapwing in cover at Stithians, a Gull in the open at Kyance Cove, Turnstones and a Grey Wagtail bearing the brunt of the weather at Marazion.

Lapwing: Exif: Canon 1D MK111, 600mm lens, Aperture Priority, F4, 1/320 sec, ISO 400, +/- 0 stop

Gull: Exif: Canon 1D MK111, 300mm lens with 1.4 teleconverter (420mm), Aperture Priority, F4, 1/5000 sec, ISO 400, +/- 0 stop

Grey Wagtail: Exif: Canon 1D MK111, 300mm lens with 1.4 teleconverter (420mm), Aperture Priority, F4, 1/200 sec, ISO 400, + 0.3 stop

Turnstone: Exif: Canon 1D MK111, 300mm lens with 1.4 teleconverter (420mm), Aperture Priority, F4, 1/50 sec, ISO 800, + 0.7  stop

Wednesday, 18 November 2009

A look back on Scotland

Ok with the pevailing winds and weather against me today and the next few days probably,  I have decided to post some images I took in Scotland before commencing this blog. In early 2007 I joined Niall Benvie a Scottish Wildlife Photographer for three days and got some nice images.  Niall's knowledge on the whereabouts and habits of the wildlife were of great benefit. Had I not joined his photographic workshop I guess I could of spent threee days in Scotland finding nothing.  All the images were taken with a Canon 1D mk11, 600mm lens ,100mm-400mm lens and occasionally a 1.4x converter. A beanbag or tripod support were used as required.

Red Deer:  This image was shot against a dark background, so I could capture the effect of the water as the Red Deer shook his drenched fur. A slow shutter speed and beanbag were required.  I also had to wait 30 minutes for the Red Deer to decide he was to wet and needed a drying out, so  a bit of patience required.

Red Sqiurrel:  A feeding station was set up by Niall to attract the squirrels in, but it is still not easy they run in get some food and run off.  600mm lens and tripod required here.
Crested Tit:  Again a feeding station is set up. We both walk in but Niall leaves me on my own for 1 1/2 hours as he says there is a better chance of getting an image with one of us there.  I caught this one on an old Scottish Pine and I am really pleased with it.
Greater Spotted Woodpecker: Niall knew of a pair of these that used a feeding station but he was sure one had been taken by a raptor of some sort. So the chances of me getting a shot were slim, however after 90 minutes this one duly turned up. So I had a "full house" as I bagged everything I went to photograph. (Like an idiot I didn't know at the time the GS Woodpeckers are only 8 miles from me at Stithians!!)

Tuesday, 17 November 2009

Stithians Today

Some good lighting for photography has enabled some nice images of the local birds. (feathered type) No rarities but it would of been a shame not to use the available light after our poor weather of late. One note, I did see my first KingFisher at Stithians as it flew past the main hide window about 4ft away, great sight. No photo though! Ok onto todays images taken at the Golden Lion, Southern Cut off and Main hides. Just confirmed by Steve Rogers, that the Wigeon in the last image is thought to be an American Wigeon hybrid.

Coot: Exif: Canon 1d MK111, 600mm lens with 1.4x teleconverter (840mm), Aperture Priority , F5.6, ISO 400, 1/800sec, +/- 0 Stop  taken a the Golden Lion Hide

Little Grebe: Exif: Canon 1d MK111, 600mm lens with 1.4x teleconverter (840mm), Aperture Priority , F5.6, ISO 400, 1/800sec, + 0.3 Stop, taken at The Golden Lion Hide

Canada Goose: Exif: Canon 1d MK111, 600mm lens with 1.4x teleconverter (840mm), Aperture Priority , F16, ISO 400, 1/100sec, + 0.7 Stop taken from the main hide

Jay: Exif: Canon 1d MK111, 600mm lens, Aperture Priority , F4, ISO 400, 1/3200sec, +/- 0 Stop, taken at the southern cut off.

Blackbird; Exif: Canon 1d MK111, 600mm lens,  Aperture Priority , F4, ISO 400, 1/1600sec, +/- 0 Stop, taken from the southern cut off

American Wigeon hybrid: Exif: Canon 1d MK111, 600mm lens with 1.4x teleconverter (840mm), Aperture Priority , F5.6, ISO 400, 1/2000sec, +/- 0 Stop, taken from the main hide

Sunday, 15 November 2009

Calm after the Storm

Well went out today, nice and sunny great light for photography and saw nothing unusual, which was rather frustrating for  me .  However I shall try again tomorrow weather permitting.  Some pictures from today:

Chiffchaff: Exif: Canon 1D MK111, 300mm lens with 1.4x converter (420mm), Aperture Priority, F4. 1/640 sec, ISO 400, + 0.7 stop

Mallard: Exif: Canon 1D MK111, 600mm lens, Aperture Priority, F4. 1/5000 sec, ISO 400, + 0.7 stop

Grey Heron: Exif: Canon 1D MK111, 600mm lens, Aperture Priority, F4. 1/3200 sec, ISO 400, +/- 0 stop

Redshank: Exif: Canon 1D MK111, 600mm lens with 1.4x teleconverter (840mm), Aperture Priority, F4. 1/1250 sec, ISO 400, + 0.7 stop

Saturday, 14 November 2009

The Raw Power of Nature

Well, frustrated by the weather in my bids to get any wildlife shots, I decided if I couldn't beat it photograph it. I went down Porthleven to watch the first winter storm swell come in, and found about half of Cornwall had decided to do the same! I got lucky and found a parking space still vacant. So I was out on top of the hill over looking Porthleven Harbour watching this beautiful spectacle of natures power. Managed a few pictures and hopefully some excellent video.  Only got soaked once so not to bad. Here are the pictures below and hopefully some video later. Please double click to enlarge the images:

Maximum Power:  Exif: Canon 5D, 100-400mm lens (focal length of 220mm), Aperture Priority, F10, ISO 200, 1/500 sec, +0.3 stop               

View of the sheltered Harbour: Exif: Canon 5D, 17-40mm mm lens (focal length of 17mm), Aperture Priority, F10, ISO 200, 1/320 sec, +0.3 stop

Waves crashing into cliffs: Exif: Canon 5D, 100-400mm lens (focal length of 100mm), Aperture Priority, F9, ISO 200, 1/125 sec, =/-0 stop

High Tide: Exif: Canon 5D, 28-135mm lens (focal length of 85mm), Aperture Priority, F9, ISO 200, 1/160 sec, =0.3 stop  here is the link to a short video

Friday, 13 November 2009

St Ives,Stormy Gulls and Torrential Rain

Decided to visit St Ives, Porthmeor to photograph the surfers around late morning. The surf photography was interupted by these to squabbling Gulls at one point I thought they were going mental. Anyway as the photos have recorded you can see they were quite vocal and fighting one another. The action was much to fast, and they were only a short distance from me.  How ever the out of focus picture shows they intensity of the moment.  Just as I departed the heavens opened and I had to stop between Hayle and Leedstown as I couldn't see where I was going despite having the wipers on full speed. So hopefully there will be some dramatic weather images appearing on the various blogs soon.

The images on this page need to be double clicked and enlarged to see the true picture!
Gull: Exif: Canon 1d mk111, 600mm telephoto lens, Aperture Priority, F4, ISO 400, 1/800sec, +0.7 stop

Gull: Exif: Canon 1d mk111, 600mm telephoto lens, Aperture Priority, F4, ISO 400, 1/250sec, +0.7 stop

Gulls Fighting: Exif: Canon 1d mk111, 600mm telephoto lens, Aperture Priority, F4, ISO 400, 1/320sec, +0.7 stop

Not sharp but a record of the action. Surprisingly the gull was unscathed.
Turnstone: Exif: Canon 1d mk111, 600mm telephoto lens, Aperture Priority, F4, ISO 400, 1/1250sec, +/- 0 stop

Thursday, 12 November 2009

Poor Weather with Worse to Come

Well another day of rain and bad light.  Looking ahead a the forecast, its more Rain Wind, Severe Gales and possibly some Hail for the next 4 days!!!!!!! Nightmare, however I am back and work on the 23rd so I expect the weather will improve rapidly then.  So light permitting it looks like all pictures this week will be taken from the local hides. (or I could just retire to the pub for the weekend, very tempting) If there is light good enough for pictures I expect |I will venture out and try though. Here is my first batch from Stithians a real struggle to get anything at all. Apologies for the quality. No exif data just some shutter speeds as low as 1/25 sec and ISO 640.

Blue Tit


Teal in Flight


Wednesday, 11 November 2009

Sunshine and Major Downpour

Ok sunshine this morning and lots of rain and lack of light this afternoon = poor quality picutres.  My first stop today was Godrevy as there was some decent surf so I spent a while there.  As I was in the vicinity I went to see if I could get a better image of the whooper swans. They were still there but no better image. As I walked from the southern end of St Gothians the Whoopers took flight from behind a bank out of sight from me until it was to late, not very accomodating and left me feeling like the bloke who missed the Panda in the kit kat advert.  A kestrel then flew in, I messed this shot up as I was still set on 0 EV for the swans, should of whacked it up to +1 EV (now I have some black silouette's of a kestrel) After some more surf shots I headed to Hayle where I was greeted with a downpour and darkness.  Stayed for a while and persevered in adverse conditions. Also  pushed the camera to ISO 640/800, tried a 1000 but to much grain is evident.  Decided at 4pm it was time for home and a hot brew.  So here are the pictures. Also there are roadworks present which are forcing the birds to venture closer to the hide.

Whooper Swan: Exif: Canon 1D MK111, 600mm lens with 1.4x teleconverter (840mm), Aperture Priority, F5.6, 1/3200sec, ISO 400, +/- 0 stop

Redshank: Exif: Canon 1D MK111, 600mm lens, Aperture Priority, F4, 1/100sec, ISO 400, +0.7 stop


Lapwing: Exif: Canon 1D MK111, 600mm lens, Aperture Priority, F4, 1/250sec, ISO 640, +0.7 stop
Common Snipe: Exif: Canon 1D MK111, 600mm lens, Aperture Priority, F4, 1/80sec, ISO 400, +/-0 stop